Springboard Close Reading Workshop Grade 7 Pdf

7.3A: Reading for Pleasure



Teacher'south name:

Course vii __

Number present:


Theme of the lesson

Visualization. Introduction.

Learning objectives(due south) that this lesson is contributing to

7.C9 utilise imagination to limited thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings.

vii.S7 use advisable subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a express range of general topics, and some curricular topics.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • sympathise with limited back up the primary points of extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics;

  • empathise virtually specific data and particular of supported extended talk on a range of full general and curricular topics;

  • give an opinion at judgement level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics.

Nigh learners will be able to:

  • sympathize more complex supported questions on a growing range of general and curricular topics;

  • keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics ;

  • organise and nowadays information clearly to others;

  • respect differing points of view.

Some learners will be able to:

  • employ talk equally a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the globe;

  • communicate pregnant conspicuously at sentence and discourse level during pair, grouping and whole class exchanges.

Language objective

Apply subject specific vocabulary, use appropriate Present and By Tenses

Value links

Responsibility , Global Citizenship.

Cross curricular l ink s

Physics, Art

Previous learning

In the previous unit, learners adult writing skills as they wrote a letter of the alphabet from the perspective of the character

Utilise of ICT

Projector or Smart lath for showing a presentation , laptops/mp 3 players and earphones for listening to the recording

Intercultural awareness

Have multifariousness of the world around usa past means of visualization

Kazakh civilization

Discussion of places in Kazakhstan

Pastoral Care

Student centered teaching: respect, support and scaffolding;

To create a friendly atmosphere for collaborative work.

Promote a sense of cocky-esteem and cocky-respect and respect for others among all the learners.

Health and Condom

Everyday classroom precautions volition ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords

Planned timings

Planned activities


two minutes

six minutes

3 min utes

4 minutes

12 minutes

10 minutes

3 minutes


A teacher says to the learners:

  • Good forenoon/afternoon, class. How are you?

The learners greet the teacher too.

The teacher says that today'southward lesson volition be near something special in reading, simply before they can discuss it, the learners should listen to the song.


Before singing show some words(your learners should copy them into their vocabulary copybooks):

Yell – кричать ;

Tongue – язык ;

Smoothen - Гладкий ;

Silk – шелк ;

Sand – песок .

Learners mind to and sing "5 Senses Song" (yous tin ask your learners to practise some activities while listening as well). For instance, then they hear:

  • I encounter it – they betoken to their optics;

  • I hear it – they indicate to their ears;

  • I smell it – they point to their noses;

  • I taste information technology – they indicate to their mouths;

  • I touch information technology – they touch their desks;

  • Shut them, open them –learners blink;

  • Yum – learners palm their bellies.

And so the instructor asks:

-How are five senses continued with reading? What connects these things?

Learners may answer that they can impact pages/books, see pictures/words, smell paper olfactory property, etc.

The right answer is visualization. Teacher reveals the objectives of the lesson.

Today you will larn:

  • What is visualization;

  • How to visualize;

  • Visualize unlike things.

The teacher shows them a video about visualization (you need a slice of video of 00:43-two:00)

Pre-teach the following word: to cover – to understand.

Feedback. The teacher asks what visualization is. Learners answer.


Learners are given cards with tasks and pictures/pieces of music/objects which they need to visualize to their partner.

Differentiation – according to the ascendant style of learning (pictures become to visuals, audio to auditory learners, objects to kinesthetic learners).

Learners study the criteria:

  • Answer all questions from the card – two points;

  • Employ your notes – 1 point;

  • Pronunciation – two points.

To get achieved – 4 points.

Learners have v minutes for the preparation (they should take notes into their copybooks), then they should speak to their partners in turns for i-ii minutes.

Task for the motion-picture show (visual learners):

Take a photograph, and take your fourth dimension (5 minutes) to clarify it. Memorize every detail you tin. Then only shut your eyes and effort to make it in your heed. Bring in as much as you can: the colors, the birds in the sky, the freckles on the skin — whatever is there. Open up your optics to get more detail if you take to. You tin have notes in your copybook. You lot should talk about what you run into, hear, feel by touching, smell, taste (if possible). Now tell it to your partner.

Task for the music (auditory learners):

Listen and take your time (5 minutes) to analyze it. Memorize every detail you lot tin can. You tin shut your optics and imagine what is happening. Bring in every bit much as you tin: the colours, the birds in the sky, the freckles on the skin — whatsoever is there. You should talk virtually what you run into, hear, experience by touching, olfactory property, taste (if possible). At present tell it to your partner.

Task for 3d objects ( kinesthetic learners):

Take upwardly a small object: maybe your pen or your keys. Analyze all the details and memorize it. Take your time.(5 minutes)Now, close your eyes, and see the object in your mind. The challenge hither is to start rotating information technology. See every detail, but from all angles. If yous feel comfortable, begin to bring in some surroundings. Place it on an imaginary table. Shine a few lights on it and imagine the shadows flickering. What happens to the object? What do you see? How does information technology feel to bear on it? What sounds does it brand? How does it smell? Does information technology have whatsoever sense of taste? Now tell it to your partner.

Partners can ask questions to get more details.


Here comes time for reading visualization. The learners read a short text and draw a film for information technology

Pre-teach the post-obit words:





Inquire learners:

  • What did you learn today?

  • What did you visualize?

  • What did y'all similar more?

  • Homework: Learners should finish reading their books and bring them for the next lesson


7.3A: Reading for Pleasure Presentation Slide ii


photos, music, objects

vii.3A: Reading for Pleasure Presentation Slide3

seven.3A Reading for Pleasure Speaking Determinative Cess for Visual Learners (Appendix 1)


7.3A Reading for Pleasance Speaking Formative Cess for Auditory Learners (Appendix 2)

7.3A Reading for Pleasance Speaking Formative Assessment for Kinesthetic Learners (Appendix 3)

7.3A: Reading for Pleasance Didactic Textile _ drawing (Appendix four)

Pencils, crayons



Feedback: Teacher asks learners what task was hard to them and which pair worked well.

Boosted information

Differentiation – how do you plan to requite more support? How do you program to challenge the more able learners?

Cess – how are you planning to check learners' learning?

Critical thinking

More support:

  • More back up:

  • Create mixed power groups for discussion..

  • More able learners:

  • At first of lesson, they think of several connections

  • They share further facts near their visualization tasks.

  • Encourage them to justify their opinions.


  • Monitor learners to check they can pick up specific details when analyzing

  • Notice learners when participating in discussion. Did the grouping dynamics piece of work? Did each learner contribute to the word? If non, why not? (e.m. didn't empathize what to practice; not so confident speaking English; non interested in topic; other)

  • Tape what they considered they had learned from the lesson. Could they express what they had learned most content and linguistic communication? Could they express which skills they had developed?

Learners piece of work in pairs, employ skills and noesis to a applied and cooperative job, and produce their own materials. All of these lesson features reflect values as suggested in the Trilingual Implementation Strategy, and correlate with the aims of critical and creative thinking, and constructive advice set out in the Discipline Plan for G7 English.

Summary evaluation

What ii things went really well (consider both instruction and learning)?

1:learners liked to visualize different objects and music

ii:reading and cartoon task

What 2 things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

1:to take a test on the ascendant manner of learning or a consultation with the school psychologist

2:To have a more creative type of reflection

What have I learned from the lesson almost this class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Learners similar to visualize.

Appendix 1

Formative Assessment



Reading for Pleasure

Learning Objectives

7.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk nearly a express range of general topics, and some curricular topics

Level of thinking skills




Assessment criteria

  • Respond all questions from the card – 2 points

  • Use your notes – 1 point

  • Pronunciation – two points


Accept a photo, and take your time (5 minutes) to analyze it. Memorize every detail yous tin. Then but close your eyes and try to make it in your listen. Bring in every bit much every bit you can: the colors, the birds in the heaven, the freckles on the skin — any is there. Open up your eyes to become more particular if y'all accept to. You can take notes in your copybook. Yous should talk about what you see, hear, feel by touching, smell, gustation (if possible). At present tell it to your partner


A learner

  • empathize questions on a growing range of general and curricular topics

  • communicate meaning clearly

Appendix ii

Formative Assessment


Unit of measurement

Reading for Pleasure

Learning Objectives

seven.S7 apply appropriate discipline-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics, and some curricular topics

Level of thinking skills




Assessment criteria

  • Answer all questions from the card – ii points

  • Apply your notes – ane point

  • Pronunciation – two points


Heed and take your time (5 minutes) to clarify information technology. Memorize every particular you lot can. Yous can close your eyes and imagine what is happening. Bring in as much as you can: the colors, the birds in the heaven, the freckles on the skin — any is at that place. Yous should talk about what yous meet, hear, feel by touching, olfactory property, sense of taste (if possible). At present tell it to your partner


A learner

  • understand questions on a growing range of general and curricular topics

  • communicate meaning clearly

Appendix 3

Formative Assessment


Unit of measurement

Reading for Pleasure

Learning Objectives

7.S7 use advisable bailiwick-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics, and some curricular topics

Level of thinking skills




Assessment criteria

  • Answer all questions from the card – 2 points

  • Apply your notes – 1 bespeak

  • Pronunciation – 2 points


Have upwardly a small-scale object: perhaps your pen or your keys. Analyze all the details and memorize it. Take your time.(5 minutes)At present, close your optics, and see the object in your mind. The challenge here is to start rotating it. See every detail, just from all angles. If you feel comfortable, begin to bring in some environs. Place information technology on an imaginary tabular array. Shine a few lights on it and imagine the shadows flickering. What happens to the object? What practise yous meet? How does information technology feel to touch on it? What sounds does information technology brand? How does it smell? Does it have whatever taste? Now tell information technology to your partner


A learner

  • understand questions on a growing range of full general and curricular topics

  • communicate meaning clearly


Appendix 4 hello_html_cab14a6.png

Didactic Fabric


Source: https://infourok.ru/englis-a-reading-for-pleasure-sort-term-lesson-plan-2781359.html

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